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Once upon a time… Paul and Kai were working in an agile team spread all over the globe. To better support the collaboration for refinement meeting, the quest for a scrum poker tool for story point estimation started.
But most planning poker tools they encountered required complicated set-up and a steep learning curve. And this even though they only wanted one thing: start estimating in less than 30 seconds… Thus they started putting their hands to their keyboards and the rest you can experience yourselves.
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As much as I love tools like Doodle, Cally, Calendly, for many different use cases we always felt the set-up was a bit tedious and some of the most simple functionalities were missing. We thought a tool like this should be much easier to use. This could not be so difficult.
So we took on the challenge and started to build Whocan. Clearly it was more difficult than we thought. But in many iterations we developed a no-registration-concept and a simple wizard. Finally we came up with easy-to-use scenarios like schedule meetings, plan attendance, divide tasks, organize potlucks or ask for preferences. Of course, there is always room for improvement. So please try it out and let us know your feedback.